London, England
Dominican Republic
Caring Choices
Pregnancy Help Community

"Go therefore and make
disciples of all nations."
[Matthew 28:19]
Missions We Support
Amazon Reach
Mobilizing believers to reach the lost in their community. Mobilizing the body of Christ to reach the world. Mobilizing young adults to live a life on mission.
Click the image for more information at their website.
Click the image for more information at their website.
Mike & Lydia Buduson
Missionaries to Kenya
Their ministry is mainly focused on youth and teen discipleship. They are striving to give them a strong biblical foundation and teaching them to better serve their families and community. Students need to pay tuition to attend High School, Mike and Lydia have also taken on the task of sponsoring many of them so they can go to high school.
Watch this short video where Mike shares updates for their ministry in Kenya.
Steve and Tina Same
Arise and Shine Evangelistic Association
Steve and Tina Same have worked with Arise and Shine Evangelistic Association since 1988. They spent four years in the Philippines, working among refugees and the homeless. In 1992 they joined a newly formed ASEA ministry in London, England. They now serve in urban street ministry, operating out of ASEA’s “London Outreach Center,” a fully renovated former English “pub,” where they evan gelize among the city’s 9 million people.
Click the image for more information at their website.
Click the image for more information at their website.

Raul and Lydia Ramos
Lydia has been serving in Guatemala for several years as a missionary teaching English and the Bible in local schools. Raul and Lydia started The Garden Calvary English School to minister to kids and their families, and are serving in several ministry capacities with Calvary Chapel of Antigua, Guatemala. Lydia is originally from Calvary Chapel Webster and is Stan and Cheryl Sawler's daughter!
Caring Choices
Pregnancy Help Centers
Caring Choices Pregnancy Help Center is a safe place to explore options regarding your pregnancy. Our staff and volunteers will listen to your needs and concerns, and give honest answers to your questions. We strive to provide a peaceful and calm environment in which to make your decision. There is no judgment here. In fact, some of us have been in similar situations to ones you may be facing. Our confidential services are provided free of charge.

Far Reaching Ministries
Far Reaching Ministries (FRM) and Far Reaching Ministries Aviation (FRMA) continue to focus on providing discipleship, followed by providing humanitarian resources relief. This includes providing education to the poor and persecuted people in various nations throughout the world. FRM’s mission is to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and dying of the world, with discipleship as the primary vehicle.

Dominican Republic
Ed and Sandy Zogg
Through a miraculous chain of events Ed and Sandy were called to serve in the Dominican Republic in May of 2012. They arrived in the DR in October of 2013. The Zogg’s primary focus will be to share the Gospel by pastoring the young and growing English Church East, and building relationships through teaching English to give people better job opportunities which will lead to a better life.